Thursday, February 13, 2014


So, Blogger has this feature that tells you how much traffic you're getting and from where and what that traffic commences and I have one serious question  to ask you guys:

Who the heck is reading this from Germany?

I mean, I think I'm pretty interesting but not "internationally recognized as a weirdo" interesting.

But seriously, thanks, guys, for sticking with me and reading this.

Also, it makes me unreasonably happy that y'all tend to use PCs and Androids to check out SuperQuest. :) Not that I'm not pleased to be read by a Mac user *koffkoff*Chickadee*koff but I feel a weird, inexplicable camaraderie with people who share my preferences on technology. Which is dumb, but there you go. It's like being Team Potter or Team Malfoy. No one cares. It doesn't matter. But it still feels really really really important.

Speaking of not-so-subtle book references, I got my books today. I have a certain reading list that I have to go through every two months or so to keep my mind fresh, and when I moved cross-country last June I had to leave them all behind. (Except Hitchhiker's Guide. Hence the "42" thing.)


And so, I shall probably (as I go through them and savor every single nuance of these beloved stories) review and rant about my characters and bore you all with how beautiful and compelling I find them.

But nothing gets me thinking like a good work of fiction, so go ahead and nod and smile and roll your eyes at my sci-fi-inspired rantings when they do eventually happen.

And they're going to happen.

Love you guys!

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