Friday, February 7, 2014

Obstacles: A Marching Band Metaphor

Life happens. Shit gets in the way of other shit getting done. Unfortunately, the most anyone will normally say to you is, "Well, you just kind of have to roll with the punches," or "Just accept circumstances," or even (the worst of all) "You chose to be where you are, now shut up and deal."

You know what?


I refuse.

My circumstances are simply things that hold true for me now, in this instant, in this breath. A minute, a second, a moment from now, my circumstances will be different from what they are now, and nothing I do will be able to alter that. Time, or the illusion of it, in any case, marches on. During this march, we can do one of two things: we can either march along in-step with whatever rhythm the percussion plays and keep moving in formation or we can march our way to the front of the line and conduct the rhythm until it changes to something we like better.

If you're at the front, you know, the band does what you say.

Sure, there are things you won't be able to tell them to do. For example, the parade route is the parade route is the parade route and until it's over, you have to keep moving. Sometimes the float in front of you stops and you have to stop for a minute, too, unless you want to run into it.

Unless you want to run into it. That's cool too.

The things that you can change, however, can have all the difference in the world. If you get to the front and conduct, you can make the band march faster or slower or change the pace of the music. This holds all the power in the band: everyone following you follows your lead and depends on you to keep them from running into each other and other things.

Even if you're not the drum major/conductor, though, you still have enough power to watch where you're going and make sure you don't step in shit.
Bonus points to anyone who knows what I named my first and last instruments.

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